
  • Acacia Estates


    ...and enjoy this sunset view everyday! 

    The cost of retirement is exorbitant and finding meaning is a challenge.

    Come retire in Zambia and you can solve both problems while at the same time re-investing your retirement savings in the lives of countless African families who desperately need jobs!

    In your spare time, you can be involved in the Clinic or the School or, just enjoy a game of golf!

    Fill out a form here if you're interested in getting more info!

  • Aloe Vera

    Aloe vera is a product for which there is a "healthy" demand in Central Africa (pun intended!). The gel from the plant is believed to boost the immune system, is helpful in treating many health conditions including HIV/AIDS, and is used extensively in the cosmetic industry. It provides 20 of the 22 amino acids we need, 9 minerals, and sugars. Aloe vera can be easily grown by local farmers and processed into a valuable product. We have about 3 acres of aloe vera plants on the property. The aloe is grown, harvested, processed and bottled right here at Kafakumba, providing jobs for dozens of individuals. We are currently in the "Restart" phase of this business as we have had to relocate.

  • Bees And Honey

    Check out Bee sweet's website by clicking here.

    Kafakumba began the process of creating a substantial Honey business several years ago. To date, we have built over 100,000 state-of-the-art swarm boxes and hives and we process about 250 tonnes of honey annually!  The hives are given to local villagers, who are then taught how to partner with us at Bee Sweet. That honey is sold by the villagers to Bee Sweet providing a source of income for the villagers (about $1 per kg goes into the local economy so that's about $250,000 every year!). At Bee Sweet we bottle and resell the honey at local grocery stores as well as in exports to other countries in Africa, the USA or Europe. Over 10,000 villagers are benefitting from the honey sales! 

    Check out a great story here and a video about the honey here.

  • Fish Hatchery - Tilapia

    Tilapia are a delicious and prolific fish which are grown all over the world, but are native to this part of Africa. We have the largest tilapia hatchery in Zambia. Each month, more than 200,000 fingerlings are grown. Fingerlings are sold to local outgrowers at a reduced price, who then raise the fish and market them. They provide a great source of protein for malnourished African children.

  • Livestock

    Cattle are a traditional source of wealth and food in Africa. Currently, Kafakumba has approximately 110 head of cattle. The herd is located on Rivendell Farm, located near to the Center. The oldest are 2-3 years old and are being bred. The Center has use of or controls approximately 10,000 acres of grazing land. The cattle roam free range each day with several villagers herding them. The cattle are gathered into a central location each evening to prevent poaching.

  • Kingdom Building Farms (Goats)

    This company was started with the intention of following the model of the Honey company but with livestock - and initially, goats.  John Enright was just starting the project when he passed away.  A friend of his is making sure it continues by investing in the hopes of a future with goats!  This company is currently being managed by Stephen, a Purdue graduate!

  • Wells

    The well or borehole "business" is actually a community service where a team from Kafakumba accompany the well-drilling rig to local communities where they offer hope and health through clean water. We are currently trying to dig wells at many local churches, schools and clinics so that they can be introduced to the Living Water!

  • Woodshop rental

    Due to a number of growing challenges, we shut down the hardwood door and window business and currently are renting our facility to another organization that is making bee hives.  Treetop helps get hives into the Zambian community to keep the honey flowing in.  And the rental income is providing much needed income for the Center.

  • Coming Soon...God Willing!

    Only God knows...!!!